As we live in the modern world, methods of speech, even specific words themselves, are altered and changed through time. The same is true when referring to a person’s job, profession, or occupation in the 21st century.
For the Japanese people, the rapid changes in their core societal structure, as well as the adoption and development of new technologies starting the Meiji era, gave rise to many of the modern words used to denote profession and occupation within the country today.
In this brief article, we have listed some of the more general and well known terms related to this subject, with a slightly higher priority for older jobs that maintained their relevance well up to the very end of the 20th century.
English | Romanji | Kanji | Kana |
Accountant | Kaikeishi | 会計士 | かいけいし |
Architect | Kenchikushi | 建築士 | けんちくし |
Author (novel) | Sakka | 作家 | さっか |
Author (comic book) | Mangaka | 漫画家 | まんがか |
Baker(y) | Panya | パン屋 | パンや |
Civil Servant | Koumuin | 公務員 | こうむいん |
Clerk (general) | Jimuin | 事務員 | じむいん |
Construction worker | Dokou | 土工 | どこう |
Cook | Chourishi | 調理師 | ちょうりし, コック |
Court judge | Saibankan | 裁判官 | さいばんかん |
Dentist | Haisha | 歯医者 | はいしゃ |
Detective | Tantei | 探偵 | たんてい |
Director | Kantoku | 監督 | かんとく |
Driver (general) | Untenshu | 運転手 | うんてんしゅ |
Doctor (general) | Isha | 医者 | いしゃ |
Editor | Henshuusha | 編集者 | へんしゅうしゃ |
Employee (salaryman) | Sarariiman | - | サラリーマン |
Engineer (general) | Gijutsusha | 技術者 | ぎじゅつしゃ |
Farmer | Nouka | 農家 | のうか |
Firefighter | Shouboushi | 消防士 | しょうぼうし |
Fisherman | Ryoushi | 漁師 | りょうし |
Lawyer | Bengoshi | 弁護士 | べんごし |
Maid, Housekeeper | Kaseifu | 家政婦 | かせいふ, メイド |
Manager (shop) | Tenchou | 店長 | てんちょう |
Mayor | Shichou | 市長 | しちょう |
Musician | Ensouka | 演奏家 | えんそうか |
Nurse | Kangofu | 看護婦 | かんごふ |
Painter (general) | Ekaki | 絵描き | えかき |
Performer (stage, TV) | Geinoujin | 芸能人 | げいのうじん |
Photographer | Satsueisha | 撮影者 | さつえいしゃ |
Pilot | Hikoushi | 飛行士 | ひこうし |
Police officer | Keisatsu, Keikan | 警察, 警官 | けいさつ, けいかん |
Politician | Seijika | 政治家 | せいじか |
President (company) | Shachou | 社長 | しゃちょう |
Receptionist | Ousetsugakari | 応接係 | おうせつがかり |
Scientist | Kagakusha | 科学者 | かがくしゃ |
Secretary (general) | Shokikan | 書記官 | しょきかん |
Developer (general) | Kaihatsusha | 開発者 | かいはつしゃ |
Singer | Kashu | 歌手 | かしゅ |
Soldier (military) | Gunjin | 軍人 | ぐんじん |
Stage magician | Tejinashi | 手品師 | てじなし |
Teacher | Sensei | 先生 | せんせい |
Translator | Honyakusha | 翻訳者 | ほんやくしゃ |
Reporter (news, radio) | Kisha | 記者 | きしゃ |
Veterinarian | Juui | 獣医 | じゅうい |
Needless to say, there are a lot more terms for jobs and occupations that can be listed for this article.
For instance, like in English, there are also specific Japanese terms for doctors for each medical category (e.g paediatrician – shounikai (小児科医), optometrist – kengan-i (検眼医), etc.).
However, these professions are a bit too specific and situational, and would probably only be relevant to a foreign listener once the related activity of the profession becomes the central subject.
Let us know what else you can add to this list by leaving a comment below!