If you frequently watch anime or have been studying Japanese for a while now, then you must be familiar with the foul words バカ(baka), あほ(aho), orくそ(kuso). Now, don’t you want to know other curse words and insults in Japanese?
Foul words and insults may not be the vocabulary you should use frequently, but learning these will help you to avoid committing cultural mistakes and being laughed at. Learning these will also help you to know whether you are already being insulted and cursed at while in Japan.
In this article, we have listed 12 commonly used Japanese curse words and insults, as well as its meanings and instances where you can use them.

1. バカ (baka) – Stupid, Idiot
If you have watched an anime or read a manga, then you may have probably encountered the word バカ (baka) a lot of times already. This word translates to “stupid” or “idiot” in English.
This word is very versatile that you can use it in different situations or contexts – it can be used to offend someone, or when you are trying to annoy someone you are close with. Usually, this word is used to berate someone – or even yourself – who fails to do something, to think logically, or to understand a simple knowledge.
Of course, since this word generally has a negative implication, you should not use it to your teacher, boss, or subordinate.
Now, how do we use this word?
Kanojo no iu koto wo shinjiru nante, watashi wa nante baka nan darou.
How foolish I am to believe what she says!
Shiken de rei ten totta no? Baka!
You got 0 on the exams?
(You must be) Stupid!
2. ばかやろう(bakayarou) – Asshole, Idiot
Similar to baka, this word also means idiot. However, this word may also describe a person who is devious, fake, dishonorable, or a liar. For instance, you can use this word to someone who does not practice what he preaches.
3. あほ (aho) – Moron
This word is also commonly used to call someone an “idiot” or “moron”. The only difference between あほ (aho) and ばか (baka) is that the former is mostly used in the Kansai area, while the latter is mostly used in Tokyo and nearby areas.
For example,
Omae, ahoka?!
Are you an idiot?!
What the f*ck?!
4. くそ (kuso) – Shit, Crap
くそ or kuso is usually used as an interjection or intensifier. While this word means “shit”, “f*ck” or “crap”, its meanings may actually vary depending on its context and how it is used.
For example,
Kuso, mata shippai da.
Shit, just my luck!
Kono kuso yarou!
You bastard!
5. ちくしょう (chikushou) – Shit, Son of a B*tch
Like the other rude Japanese words, ちくしょうor chikushou can also be used in many ways
depending on the context and its usage. It translates to “shit”, “son of a b*tch”, or “Damn it!”. Using this alone can be an interjection if something unexpectedly happened.
For example,
Chikushou, panku da.
Shit, I’ve got a flat tire.
Chikushou, saifu wasurechatta!
Damn it, I forgot my wallet.
6. わるがき(warugaki) – Brat
Did your sibling or someone annoying get on your nerves? わるがき or warugaki is the best word to call them.
7. ふざけるな (fuzakeruna) – “F*ck Off”
If you want to stop someone from pestering you, you can tell him ふざけるな or fuzakeru na to “f*ck off” and leave you alone. This can also be used in a less aggressive way in which it will translate to “Don’t be silly!”. Again, usage will depend on the context.
For example,
Fuzaken janee yo.
Are you f*cking kidding me?
8. どけ(doke) – “Get out of the way!”
Are you in a hurry and already feeling frustrated that everyone around you seems to be such a nuisance? The rude way to command them to ‘step aside’ is どけ!or Doke!
For example,
Doke! Jama da.
Get out of my way! (You’re in my way!)
9. しね (shine) – Die!
Perhaps someone has really tested or exhausted your patience, and now you just want them to cease from the world (or at least your world)? Sounds morbid, I know, but let's be honest – we have felt that at least once in our lives.
In Japanese, you can tell them to “しね (shine)!” which translates to “Die” or to “Go to hell!”
10. ブス(busu) – Extremely Ugly Woman
ブス or busu is slang word derived from ぶさい (busai) which means “unattractive”, “with plain looks”, or “ugly”. This insult may be used to a woman with an ugly appearance, or even with an unpleasant personality.
For example,
Ano onna wa chou busu da zo!
That woman is really ugly!
Anta busu!
You’re (really) ugly!
11. ウルサイ (urusai) – Shut up!
This word literally means “noisy” but you can also use this to tell someone to shut up, or if someone is being annoying.
For example,
Shut up!
Anta wa hontou ni urusai naa.
You are really annoying.
12. だまれ(damare) – Shut up!
A more intense way to shut people up is to use だまれ or damare. For instance, you can use this when you are being pestered by someone while you are in the middle of an important task.
For example,
Shut the f*ck up! You talk too much!
Now that you have learned more Japanese curses and insults, always be mindful of actually saying these as you might get in trouble or offend other people’s feelings.
Do you know any other Japanese insults not included here? Share it with us in the comments!