Are you having a hard time connecting between your ideas in your Japanese essay?
In this article, we have listed useful transition words and phrases that you can use to help you let your ideas flow and have an organized essay.
Japanese Phrases for Giving Examples and Emphasis
(NOUN) + という | (NOUN) + to iu | “called as (noun)” |
つまり | tsumari | that is, I mean |
とくに とりわけ | tokuni toriwake | especially, specifically |
いっぱんてきに | ippanteki ni | in general, generally |
たとえば たとえると たとえるば | tatoeba tatoeru to tatoeru ba | for instance, for example |
たしかに | tashika ni | surely; to be sure |
とうぜん | touzen | very likely |
かならず | kanarazu | without exception, certainly |
実は(じつは) | jitsu wa | in fact |
本当に(ほんとうに) | hontou ni | indeed, really |
多分(たぶん) | tabun | probably, perhaps |
たしかなことに | tashika na koto ni | definitely |
まったくもって じつのところ じつは | mattaku motte jitsu no tokoro jitsu wa | as a matter of fact |
For example,
Gaikoku, tatoeba Chuugoku e itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Have you been abroad, for instance China?
Tabun Chuugoku e itta koto ga arimasu.
I have probably been to China.
Japanese Essay Phrases: General Explaining
ために 〜のため 〜というわけで 〜というのは | tame ni ~no tame ni ~to iu wake de ~to iu no wa | as a result; because of; in order to; consequently (stress on the reason) |
だから それで | dakara sore de | so; then |
だって | datte | because, afterall |
~からだ | ~kara da | for |
For example,
Shiken ni goukaku suru no tame ni, majime ni benkyou shinakya.
In order to pass the exam, I must study.
Ashita ame ga furu sou. Dakara, kasa wo motte kite.
It seems that it will rain tomorrow. So, bring an umbrella.
Showing Sequence
最初に(さいしょに) 第一に(だいいちに) | saisho ni daiichi ni | first |
まず | mazu | first of all |
初めに(はじめに) | hajime ni | in the first place, to begin with |
主に(おもに) | omo ni | primarily |
第二(だいに) | daini | second |
二義的に(にぎてきに) | nigiteki ni | secondarily |
ついで | tsuide | in the second place |
第三(だいさん) | daisan | third |
次に(つぎに) | tsugi ni | next |
前者(ぜんしゃ) | zensha | former |
後者(こうしゃ) | kousha | latter |
やっと、ついに | yatto, tsuini | after all, at last |
~の後(〜のあと) | ~no ato | after |
~の前(〜のまえ) | ~no mae | before |
最後に(さいごに) | saigo ni | finally |
For example,
Mazu, atarashii sakubun no gaisetsu wo shiyou to omou.
First, I am going to do an outline of my new essay.
Tsugi ni, sakubun wo kaki hajimemasu.
Then, I will begin writing my essay.
Adding Supporting Statements
また そうして そして | mata soushite soshite | and; and then |
それから それに | sore kara sore ni | and then |
~も 〜もまた | ~mo ~mo mata | also, too |
さらに それに しかも | sara ni sore ni shikamo | furthermore, moreover |
~しかも | ~shikamo | and yet |
しかも それでもやはり それにかかわらず | shika mo sore demo yahari sore ni kakawarazu | nevertheless, nonetheless; |
ともに 共々(ともども) いっしょに こぞって | tomoni tomodomo issho ni kozotte | together, simultaneously |
For example,
Kare wa bureki wo kake, soshite kuruma wa tomatta.
He put on the brakes and then the car stopped.
Ie wa kanari ni mieta shi, shikamo nedan ga tegoro datta.
The house looked good; moreover,the (selling) price was right.
Demonstrating Contrast
でも | demo | but; however, hence |
けれど けど けれでも それが 〜が〜 | keredo kedo kere demo sore ga 〜ga〜 | but; however; although; nevertheless |
しかし | shikashi | but; yet; however |
~とちがって | ~tochigatte | unlike… |
ちがって / ちがう ことなる ほか | chigatte / chigau koto naru hoka | besides; different; another |
それにしては | sore ni shite wa | to the contrary |
それなのに | sore na no ni | unlike my expectation |
それでも しかしながら | sore demo shikashi nagara | but and yet |
それにしても あるいは または | sore ni shite mo arui wa mata wa | but then but still |
それにもかかわらず それにもかかわらないで | sore ni mo kakawarazu sore ni mo kakawaranai de | in spite of the fact that |
For example,
Nihongo wa muzukashii desu ga, omoshiroi desu.
Although Japanese language is difficult, it is enjoyable.
Nihongo wa muzukashii desu. Demo, omoshiroi desu.
Japanese language is difficult. Nevertheless, it is enjoyable.
Nihondo wa muzukashii desu. Shikashi, omoshiroi desu.
Japanese language is difficult. However, it is enjoyable.
Nihongo wa muzakashii desu keredo, omoshiroi desu.
Although Japanese language is difficult, it is enjoyable.
Japanese Essay Phrases for Summarizing
結びに(むすびに) 結論は(けつろんは) | musubi ni ketsuron wa | in conclusion |
結論を言うと (けつろんをいうと) | ketsuron wo iu to | to conclude |
要約すると (ようやくすると) | youyaku suru to | in summary |
全部(ぜんぶ) すべて | zenbu subete | all in all |
全体的に (ぜんたいまとに) | zentai mato ni | on the whole |
このように それゆうに | kono you ni sore yuu ni | thus; hence |
For example,
Wareware wa kono hanashi wa jitsuwa da
to iu ketsuron ni tasshita.
We have come to a conclusion that this is a true story.
Now that you have learned these Japanese transitional words and phrases, we hope that your Japanese essay writing has become easier. Leave a comment and write examples of sentences using these Japanese essay phrases!